The Inclusive Governance Project is exploring the inclusion of people with intellectual disability in the decision-making of Boards and committees

About Inclusive Governance
Inclusive Governance is about people from diverse backgrounds, including disability, being involved in the Boards and committees of organisations.
The Inclusive Governance Project has listened to the experiences of people involved with Boards. This includes Board members, with and without disability, Executive Officers and Board support people. Understanding these experiences help us to identify the benefits of inclusive governance and what helps people with intellectual disability to have a real voice in the decision-making of community organisations.
Reports and articles

Preliminary Project Report
A report on what the project has done up to July 2024

Research article – under peer review – COMING SOON
A peer-reviewed article published in a journal

Executive Summary
A summary of the project report
The Findings of the Inclusive Governance Project
Five principles were identified from the findings of our research. Organisations can use these principles as a guide to develop a plan of action that will help them move towards inclusive governance. You can read or watch a video about each principle below.
The research tells us that Inclusive governance requires a holistic, organisational approach to the inclusion of people with intellectual disability. This means that organisations that have successfully implemented inclusive governance have included people with intellectual disability in many levels and activities of their organisation.
Principle 1
Inclusion of people with intellectual disability in the decision-making and governance of community organisations is valued.
Principle 2
There are clear pathways to Board membership for people with intellectual disability.
Principle 3
Board meetings and activities are accessible, meeting the inclusion needs of people with intellectual disability.
Principle 4
Individualised, skilled support is provided.
Principle 5
There is a commitment to making Inclusive Governance work.
A call to action for people with intellectual disability
People with intellectual disability can and should be involved in the decision making and governance of community organisations.
A call to action for organisations
People with intellectual disability can and should be involved in the decision making and governance of your organisation. We challenge you to make it happen!
Download the Inclusive Governance Action Plan Template
DownloadInformation in Easy Read
This information is written in Easy Read to make it easier to understand.

About the project
This page tells you about the Inclusive Governance Project

Principles in Easy Read
Principles help people understand what they should do

Project Report in Easy Read
A report that tells you what the project was about and what it did.
Resources for organisations
The templates below can be used by organisations to help them include people with intellectual disability in their decision-making and governance.

Meeting Agenda-Easy Read
This document presents a meeting agenda in easy read format.

Reports – Easy Read
This document presents a Board report in easy read format.

Reports – Plain English
This document presents a Board report in plain English.

Financial Report Summary
This document explains and summarises financial reports in plain English.

Meeting preparation form
This document helps a Board member prepare for a Board meeting by recording their thoughts, questions and decisions as they read and discuss each Board report with their support person.

Board Support Person – job description
This document is a guide to the role and skills of a Board Support Person
Inclusive Governance Action Plan
A step-by-step process for organisations to review their organisation in line with the 5 Principles of Inclusive Governance, identifying gaps and planning action to move towards a more inclusive model of governance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click below to look at some websites where you might find useful information about Inclusive Governance.
Voice At The Table does training for both organisations and people with an intellectual disability and acquired injury.
Their aim is for people with an intellectual disability and acquired brain injury to be included in leadership roles like being on: boards, committees, advisory groups and meetings.
Their training is co-designed and delivered by people with an intellectual disability and acquired brain injury.
On Board with Me is a project that aims to improve the representation of people with disabilities on boards in
the Western Australian community services sector.
You can download the Inclusive Governance Template by clicking here.