Support our work by becoming a member

Why become a member
Do you believe in the importance of strong, independent advocacy? Do you have a vision of a world where people with disability are equal and valued – where diversity is celebrated, needs are fulfilled, and opportunities realised?
If you answered yes to both those questions, we invite you to consider becoming a member of Side By Side Advocacy! We would love to add more passionate voices to our network.
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Rolf and Annette
Annette and Rolf recently became members. Annette explained: “I have referred people with intellectual disability to Side By Side Advocacy for years and have always received great feedback. The NDIS has made the need for sophisticated advocacy advice even more important. Becoming a member is my way of supporting Side By Side’s important work.”
Rolf also wanted to demonstrate his support for advocacy in a tangible way: “When I became aware of everything that Side By Side Advocacy does to support the rights of people with disability I had to become a member. There aren’t many places where a person with intellectual disability can get help to navigate what can be a very complicated system. I became a member as a public show of support.”

Rajni became a member of Side By Side Advocacy after getting great advocacy support.
“I wanted to get more involved with Side By Side Advocacy because they make a huge difference to the lives of people with disability. My son will have more options because of their support. I have been invited to share my views about new initiatives and events and have participated in making some videos. I am always asked if I want to contribute and it’s fine to say no. That works well for me and for Sid.”